Guess who’s back? Back again. Sega’s back, tell a friend. What do you mean that you didn’t think they’d ever actually gone away? Agreed, but it has been a largely pathetic couple of decades, barring the odd classic (insert personal choice here. For instance, Outrun 2). But the exciting thingRead More →

Amiga 1200

Want to play Amiga games in 2025 without messing around with emulators? These modern Amiga computer systems can help. There’s an Amiga 1200 in a box in my office, which I rarely unpack. Why? Because there are plenty of modern alternatives, not least TheA500 Mini. But this isn’t the onlyRead More →

Quake 2

“Boomer Shooter” is now a category on Steam. But what are boomer shooters? The first-person shooter (FPS) genre has come a long way since its first appeared in the 1990s. Evolving through squad-based experiences and sparawling world epics, FPS games now typically feature mature narratives, consideral immersion, and stunning graphics.Read More →

Incredibly, 2023 saw the 30th anniversary of FIFA International Soccer on 16-bit consoles. Most of us seem to have a long lived relationship with Electronic Arts, it appears to me. Before they became the uber-brand of today they were an uber-brand of yesteryear, outfitting their cartridges with extra size andRead More →