When you want to play classic PC games and emulation isn’t an option, consider the reissues on Android.

My “day job” is as an editor and writer at www.makeuseof.com. That’s where I recently published a guide to the best classic PC games available in the Play store. This guide features the number 20 in the title, but the full list is more nuanced, with sequels and series and in total includes 31 titles.

I’ve been using Android since 2010, and permanently since 2016. During that time I’ve found a host of classic PC games, from people breaching licenses and republishing games to legally released remasters. Aside from a few issues with some devices, these games usually work perfectly.

  1. Grand Theft Auto 3
  2. GTA Vice City
  3. GTA San Andreas
  4. RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic
  5. Carmageddon
  6. Dragon’s Lair
  7. Dragon’s Lair 2
  8. Space Ace
  9. The 7th Guest
  10. DOOM
  11. DOOM II
  12. FreeDOOM
  13. Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition
  14. Baldur’s Gate II
  15. Max Payne Mobile
  16. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  17. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
  18. Simon the Sorcerer
  19. XCOM: Enemy Within
  20. XCOM 2 Collection
  21. Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition
  22. Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
  23. Syberia
  24. Syberia II
  25. The Last Express
  26. The Bard’s Tale
  27. Runescape
  28. Old School Runescape
  29. Rome: Total War
  30. Tropico
  31. Company of Heroes

To find out more about these games and where to grab them, please check the full expanded list of classic PC games on Android over at MakeUseOf.

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