Bad news for anyone waiting for TheA500 Mini from Retro Games Ltd. Like the US and Canada release, the console will now be delayed by a week in other territories.

On Facebook earlier today, Retro Games Ltd announced that the release date for the A500 mini Amiga replica is now April 8th, a week later than previously expected.

That post in full:

THEA500 mini – regional release date update 2nd March 2022

We would like to inform fans and customers who are looking forward to the launch of THEA500 mini that due to shipping delays the release date for certain regions will slip.

For UK, EU and Australia/New Zealand customers we estimate the release date to move to the 8th of April, for USA as mentioned in a previous update we anticipate this to be end of April / early May.

Apart from the reasons mentioned in prior updates, we’d like to reassure, particularly those who have pre-ordered, that stock has been made and was shipped some time ago. These delays are purely down to global shipping issues and other related matters on a region-by-region basis. An extra day or two at sea for example, can mean a ship missing its allocated slot at an international seaport, which creates a small chain of similar delays onto its final destination, a two day delay at sea can turn into 2-4 weeks of cumulative final release delays. This is what has happened for the EU region. Due to the recent extreme storms which hit the UK and EU region, the ships had to stay at sea in ‘calmer areas’ for a few extra days, which has then had a knock-on effect all the way down the line to eventually the retailers and then onto customers.

This is all based on the best information we have currently, we’ll share any new updates as and when we receive them. Please know that if we are able to get stock into regions sooner, we will distribute stock to those who have pre-ordered first.
Overall, the timelines have only slipped by a few weeks, so we are still nearly there, and we want you to stay as excited as we are!!
Thanks to you all for your support as ever.

In mid-February, a similar announcement was made, advising North American buyers of the A500 mini’s delay in that territory.

However, Retro Games Ltd. has a strong background in delivering its projects. TheC64 Mini, TheC64, and TheVIC20 have all been produced, shipped, and warmly received. International supply chains and geopolitical events aside, there is no reason to expect TheA500 mini to be anything other than awesome. If you have’t already, now is a good time to order your A500 mini.

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Editor in Chief at Gaming Retro UK | Website |  + posts

Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format,, and Tech Radar.

He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.

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