The original PlayStation was released in 1994 and changed the gaming landscape forever. The console had a phenomenal impact on the video games industry, and there’s a reason the brand is still going strong to this day. So many blockbuster IPs had humble beginnings on Sony’s grey box. With suchRead More →

If you ask people want kind of games they enjoy with your mates, they will almost certainly respond with games like Mario Party, WarioWare series, etc. This is understandable since they are very popular party games. But to those who say “Bishi Bashi,” you might get a few head scratches,Read More →

Nowadays, many people prefer to play simulation racing games as they give a more real feel to it like you are facing on the tracks. There are even real-world competitions for it like Gran Turismo in which you can even build on to start your racing career. Of course, itRead More →

It mattered not what you had heard before, or however much you liked the music in Streets of Rage, if you bought a Saturn you had never heard anything like the soundtrack to Panzer Dragoon. And if you bought a PlayStation (more likely), then you were almost sure to have taken a copy of WipEout with you. That’s what my brother did and I have a story about confronting the music in that game.Read More →