Quake 2

“Boomer Shooter” is now a category on Steam. But what are boomer shooters? The first-person shooter (FPS) genre has come a long way since its first appeared in the 1990s. Evolving through squad-based experiences and sparawling world epics, FPS games now typically feature mature narratives, consideral immersion, and stunning graphics.Read More →

Amiga 1200

Want to play Amiga games in 2025 without messing around with emulators? These modern Amiga computer systems can help. There’s an Amiga 1200 in a box in my office, which I rarely unpack. Why? Because there are plenty of modern alternatives, not least TheA500 Mini. But this isn’t the onlyRead More →

A600GS Amiga

Various new details have been provided about the A600GS, which we’ve added to the article. I’ve been hearing whispers of a new Amiga-like system since returning from holiday, and finally managed to learn more about it thanks to the latest Amiga Addict. Unveiled at the Kickstart 01 event in June,Read More →

PIxel Steam logo

Looking for an instant retro vibe? These retro games on Steam might now be authentic, but they look and feel like they belong in the 80s and 90s. Retro-style vs. real retro In the modern gaming world, simplicity is gone. vast open worlds, controversial microtransactions, and various bugs get inRead More →