It was only a few years ago when we saw multiple “mini” consoles flood the market. These units came preinstalled with various games and HDMI functionality so users could play on their shiny new TVs. These devices offered an affordable avenue to enjoy classic retro games. According to YouTuber AdamRead More →

Unknown company HyperMegaTech unveiled the Super Pocket TAITO Edition and Super Pocket Capcom Edition yesterday. These compact handhelds have a Game Boy-style form factor and are compatible with Evercsade carts. They also sport stunning colour schemes. But what is HyperMegaTech? HyperMegaTech, SuperAwesomeHardwareName HyperMegaTech is a new hardware line from BlazeRead More →

Curated Evercade cartridge collections offer a great way to enjoy retro games. We already have games from specific platforms (Atari 2609, Amiga, C64) and publishers (Bitmap Bros., Oliver Twins) and even arcade manufacturers (Toaplan, Irem), but there is more to come. Blaze Entertainment has confirmed a special live streamed announcementRead More →