In case you weren’t aware, a 1991 video game is one of the most talked about retro titles right now. An Eye of the Beholder C64/128 version is now available to download, and it looks amazing.

Back in the 1990s, the Amiga unsurprisingly flexed its graphics and processing muscles to the C64’s shame. Aside from a handful of later titles, there was no way the Commodore 64 could come close to competing with the Amiga.

Fast-forward 30 years and things are beginning to change. For example, there was no way anyone could imagine Eye of the Beholder being anything close to playable on the C64 three decades ago, yet here we are.

An Advanced Dungeon & Dragons licensed RPG title, Eye of the Beholder was originally developed by Westwood Associates (Dune, Command & Conquer). Of course, this time around a different team has produced the game, in its own time, for the benefit of the C64 community.

The big question, of course, is whether you should give Eye of the Beholder C64/128 a go. Well, why wouldn’t you?

For comparison, here’s the intro from the Amiga version of Eye of the Beholder.

This unofficial version of the game boasts some extra features unseen in the original Amiga and MS-DOS versions:

  • quickstart game with a default party
  • flash and disk save option
  • open help screen by pressing “H”
  • show the map by pressing “M”
  • display a bestiary by pressing “B”

Meanwhile, C128 users get

  • 2MHz support by pressing “F3”
  • dual-screen for displaying the map in realtime

Stated system requirements for Eye of the Beholder C64/128 are as follows:

  • Commodore 64 or 128
  • Easyflash cartridge
    (or equivalent hardware like 1541 Ultimate 2+)
  • 1351 mouse on Port II is highly recommended
    (or compatible mouse/adapter)
  • 1541/1571 disk drive is recommended for multiple game saves
    (highly recommended when using Easyflash alternatives)
  • C128 only: 2nd monitor for RGB output is recommended

As you’ll notice, mouse input is supported. In fact, it’s probably going to be very difficult to play without it.

The developers of this game are keen to emphasize that the “trademark and intellectual property of the Eye of the Beholder series are owned by Wizards of the Coast LLC.” As such, the game is unlicensed and presented as open source. They encourage anyone who downloads the game to purchase the original MS-DOS version from GOG or Steam, where is is part of the Forgotten Realms: The Archives – Collection One. That way you support the rights holders and get the instructions and clue book for the game (if you don’t already own th Amiga or any other version).

You can download Eye of the Beholder C64 from CSDb. You’ll find the source code on BitBucket.

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Editor in Chief at Gaming Retro UK | Website |  + posts

Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format,, and Tech Radar.

He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.

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