25th anniversary update brings a load of new features and content to FPS classic Half-Life.

I remember when I first heard about Half-Life. It had been out for a few months, and my then-girlfriend was telling me all about the multiplayer modes, which she’d been playing with (it turned out) her next boyfriend.

It’s fair to say I took an instant dislike to Half-Life, something I failed to shake off until about 5 years later, not long before Half-Life 2 materialised. (Accuracy of dates may be fuzzy.)

After a few minutes of play, I knew that Half-Life was special. I don’t think I played Duke Nukem 3D again until the Nintendo Switch release; I’d abandoned DOOM. The only other FPS games on my radar back then were Medal of Honour and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Naturally, Half-Life, and the mysteries within, took over.

It is a hugely significant game, which is why it is extremely reassuring to see Valve taking its 25th anniversary seriously. As reported, a new update was issued last week, which was “unlocked” on the game’s anniversary (November 17th). This added various features to the game:

  • Full Steam Deck support
  • New multiplayer maps
  • New player models
  • Original Half-Life demo, Uplink
  • Steam Networking and Rich Presence support
  • Updated menu design
  • Multiplayer spawn randomness
  • Improved physics for throwing grenades
  • New texture filtering setting
  • 1 hour documentary film celebrating Half-Life

You can watch the film right here:

In addition, Half-Life was made free to own forever during the weekend celebrations, although this offer has now closed. Even so, the game costs about £7 and is currently in the Steam sale for 71p, so it’s worth grabbing if, by some weird chance, you’ve never played Half-Life.

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