The saga of the SuperSega has been revived, and it comes with a life story, legal news, heavy metal, and a new name.
I mean, seriously, did you think this would be straightforward?
Quick recap: the SuperSega is a piece of hardware that allegedly runs SEGA Master System, Mark III, Mega Drive, Saturn, and Dreamcast titles, thanks to the magic of programmable FPGA (field-programmable gate array) processors.
I’ve already determined that the SuperSega is vapourware, and unlikely to see the light of day. Even if it existed as described, SEGA was never going to let it happen. Which makes its continued trumpeting as an actual life project all the more bewildering.

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The Latest SuperSega Video
A new YouTube video featuring SuperSega’s Don Alejandro has been released, with the following description:
It’s been tough, but it happened!! Don Alejandro is back for the new year as promised, and he’s here, on ILT Games.
He tells us about his past, the status of the “SUPERCONSOLE” project, the refunds, and what the future holds for what was previously known as SUPERSEGA or SUPERSPGA…
And as always, being the showman that he is, a little something extra (like live poker).
Take a look – it’s in Spanish, but I’ve managed to discern a few main points.
Based on the transcript, the video (which starts with some of Don Alejandro’s music, I believe) covers the SuperSega project’s history, its legal troubles with Sega, and its current status. “I have to emphasize the Sega “worms” that are there…” Concerning the legal team: “Yesterday, after 35 days of being blocked, I called him, and he no longer believes in me.”
Past ventures are discussed, which include software development and camera production, which apparently led to the “creation” of the SuperSega. There is also mention of the “confusing” situation with Sega, apparently receiving conflicting messages from their UK and Japanese branches.
SuperSega Refunds
According to the video, investors of the the stalled project are being refunded. However, it seems this isn’t over, as the project (described as a “beast of power”) is now to be known as the “SuperConsole.”
Given how much goodwill has been spent on this venture, the smart move would be to just let it die. Sadly, it seems some egos are in play.
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Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format,, and Tech Radar.
He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.
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