Incredible news has emerged today that the promised (and sold) KOTOR 2 DLC for the Nintendo Switch release has been canned.
This tale goes back months; we reported in October 2022 that the Restored Content DLC – intended to fix various issues with the game on the original PC version – was delayed. At that time, Aspyr responded on Twitter that it would be dropping Q3 2022… and didn’t.
KOTOR 2 Restored Content DLC is, I’m sorry to say, vapourware, and as such buyers deserve a full refund.
Since then, there has been nothing but silence… until today, when Aspyr tweeted this statement of what can only be described as abject failure.
Unsurprisingly, fans are mightily annoyed by this news. While a video game key seems nice, this pretty vital, bug-fixing DLC for KOTOR 2 is something that people have spent money on, that has not been released. It is, I’m sorry to say, vapourware, and as such buyers deserve a full refund.
In case you were unaware, Knights of the Old Republic 2 on PC has a few game breaking bugs that occur under certain story path scenarios. The Restored Content DLC was supposed to replicate efforts by fans of the PC version of the game to resolve the issues that had somehow – thanks to non-existent playtesting and research – made their way into the Nintendo Switch release of KOTOR 2.
It really beggars belief, don’t you think?
That Aspyr has persisted with silence on this matter for over 7 months is bad enough; that they appear to have put the KOTOR remake on hold is also pretty poor form. But having the gall to abandon the DLC conversion from PC to Nintendo Switch and then foist free game codes on a fanbase that almost certianly already owns those games…?
It’s utterly bewildering how tone deaf Aspyr is. One thing’s for sure, any remaining goodwill towards the team has gone.
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Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format,, and Tech Radar.
He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.
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