Just imagine if the Nintendo Entertainment System had been capable of online play (or if we’d had an internet suitable for it back then). Well, imagine no more – it’s happening, thanks to the Super Tilt Bro. cartridge, a game that comes with built-in Wi-Fi for the NES!

It still has 29 days to go, but already this cart has raised £26,635 pledges of its £35,324 goal, thanks to 364 backers.

While the familiar-looking-and-sounding Super Tilt Bro. (“a fighting game with platforming mechanics”) has been around for a couple of years, this Kickstarter pretty much revolutionizes how you play games on an NES.

Super Tilt Bro. is a platform-fighting game for the NES, with a unique and revolutionary Wi-Fi enabled cartridge that allows you to play online! The game is ready for release and works on a real NES console! We are running this crowdfunding campaign in order to raise funds for physical production and offer collector limited editions that won’t be available once the campaign is over. 

The game features three modes: online (casual, ranked, private tournament), local, and story. But, of course, if you’re thinking about backing this crowdfunder, you’re more interested in the online modes. the Super Tilt Bro. cart integrates an ESP8266 Wi-Fi chipset with an FPGA and uses rollback netcode to reduce latency.

Back Super Tilt Bro.

Various bundles are available depending on how much you want to put into this campaign. The digital version plus soundtrack and PDF comic book is just €15 (around £13) whereas the cheapest cart bundle is €50 (roughly £45). However, note that is an early bird price and other options are available.

To help you decide if you wish to back the game, a free playable (offline) demo of Super Tilt Bro. has been released for download. You can play this is your NES emulator.

Or simply back Super Tilt Bro. on Kickstarter.

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Editor in Chief at Gaming Retro UK | Website |  + posts

Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format, MakeUseOf.com, and Tech Radar.

He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.

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