There is a saying that we should not take things for granted, because the very things we used to ignore will eventually be gone and we will want them back. For us retro gamers who play on consoles like the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and handheld consoles, we all knowRead More →

Video game emulators have become increasingly popular due to their ability to cater to retro gamers like us. Initially viewed with suspicion due to legal issues and its grey area of operation, these emulators are now fully embraced as a necessity for gamers. This is because companies like Nintendo andRead More →

If you ask people want kind of games they enjoy with your mates, they will almost certainly respond with games like Mario Party, WarioWare series, etc. This is understandable since they are very popular party games. But to those who say “Bishi Bashi,” you might get a few head scratches,Read More →

Nowadays, many people prefer to play simulation racing games as they give a more real feel to it like you are facing on the tracks. There are even real-world competitions for it like Gran Turismo in which you can even build on to start your racing career. Of course, itRead More →

A retro games console emulator saves you from using original hardware, but is it worth the effort? In computing terms, emulation is software running on one system with the aim of making it behave like another. The aim is to make software designed for one operating system or hardware platformRead More →