Blaze Entertainment’s Managing Director Andrew Byatt has emailed Evercade fans with sort of status update that culminates with news of new Evercade cartridges.

After thanking the community and highlighting the successful launch of VS and the addition of key cartridge releases (Renovation, Gremlin, C64, Irem, and Toaplan), as well as Game of the Month, the email doesn’t shy away from the disaster of the stolen Evercade EXP units.

“The biggest shock of my year was taking a call from our logistics manager in early December to find out that thousands of Limited Edition consoles had been stolen whilst in transit. This was truly disheartening for the entire team who had worked so hard to get products into the hands of customers. When we realised what had happened, we quickly gathered together with Funstock and devised a strategy to address the problem. At this time the Police have not located the stock and when we see any suspicious online listings we are reporting them. We will update you if anything changes in their investigation and customers will have already received the lastest update from Evercade on their orders.”

But the big news is of some upcoming cartridge collections.

Onto 2023, I have signed 11 new cartridges as of today with several more deals being negotiated as I write. We aim to bring you more variety, more big names, more hidden gems and games from other systems we have not yet seen on Evercade. We have some exciting things coming your way.

Sure, we don’t know what these cartridges are at this stage (although the Amiga Evercade cart is a good bet…)

Perhaps a SEGA cartridge, or even one from Psygnosis? Maybe a Bitmap Brothers Collection 2, TheC64 Collection 2, or some sequels to the Evercade VS arcade collections? The fact that so many collections are scheduled for 2023 is pretty good news.

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Editor in Chief at Gaming Retro UK | Website |  + posts

Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format,, and Tech Radar.

He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.

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