After the complicated ordeal regarding the Intellivision Amico, one of its video game titles has met a similar fate. It has been reported that Earthworm Jim 4 has been cancelled much to the dismay of world-wide fans of the series.
Earthworm Jim 4 was brought to attention initially during a partnered announcement between Doug TenNapel (EWJ creator) and Tommy Tallarico (Intellivision CEO) in 2019 following the announcement of the Amico. On his Instagram, TenNapel shared concept art with Tallarico stating “a dream come true to finally get the entire team back together” in regards to working on a sequel exclusively for the console with promised updates in the upcoming months.
Furthermore, in 2019 TenNapel undertook an Indiegogo campaign for a graphic novel reboot known as Earthworm Jim: Launch the Cow, accumulating nearly a million dollars. A second volume is currently in development, with crowd-funding driving the process. In 2020, a short and arguably underwhelming teaser trailer released which didn’t not allow for much speculation or anticipation.
Despite the claims that Intellivision are “still working” on the heavily delayed Amico, the hope amongst fans has past its sell-by date with a series of disappointing news from the company between 2020-2022. This includes a large amount of staff being reportedly discharged. All fans have left to count on is the Earthworm Jim graphic novel campaign and a potential TV reboot in the works.
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