GOG’s retro gaming library is coming to Amazon Luna, which means classic games on a smart TV with no extra hardware.

Fancy playing classic PC/MS-DOS games on your TV without a cranky old computer or a modern system running DOSBox or GOG Galaxy?

You’re in luck, as GOG has just announced a team up with Amazon Luna, the cloud streaming service run by everyone’s favourite (and least favourite) internet marketplace.

As it happens, I was just looking at Amazon Luna the other night. I’m one of those 12 people who signed up to Google Stadia and went through the whole experience of disappointment (it started with a big £178 deposit in 2019 and ended with a refund in 2022). Unsurprisingly, the idea of signing up to another cloud service provider from another internet giant with no prior experience in PC or cloud gaming didn’t appeal.

So what is the benefit of having GOG on Luna? Amazon’s cloud gaming service runs on its Amazon Web Services servers. These units run many in-demand websites and online services for other providers, so as long as you have a decent internet connection and a compatible TV (or HDMI streaming device) you should be able to access Luna.

GOG retro games on your TV with Amazon Luna

This potentially means retro gaming on your TV, without worrying about a PC. As for your GOG library, you could be playing classic MicroProse simulators or more recent titles on your TV through Amazon Luna. GOG’s blog post on this states “you’ll be able to play every game that you already own on GOG (and that is also available on Luna). There’s absolutely no requirement to purchase anything twice – you bought it once on our platform so it’s always yours, as always.”

Luna isn’t limited to TVs, though. Mobile devices and computers you wouldn’t think are capable of running games can be connected to the service. Because the games are running on the server, your hardware just has to handle the internet connection and web browser. And your favourite game controllers are supported, too.

When is GOG available on Luna ?

While this is an exciting development for retro gaming fans, a launch date for GOG’s appearance on Luna has not yet been announced.

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Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format, MakeUseOf.com, and Tech Radar.

He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.

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