Released earlier this month, THEC64 Collection 1 features 14 Commodore 64 games on one Evercade cartridge.

I’m currently playing through it on the original Evercade, so was unaware of any problems. However, it seems that some issues have affected THEC64 Collection 1 on Evercade VS systems.

Quick reminder: to update on the Evercade VS, go to Settings > System > Update, and select the listed update (2.1.9). The Evercade VS will restart to apply the update.

To remind you, the 14 Commodore 64 games on this cartridge are:

  • Summer Games
  • Marauder
  • Movie Monster
  • Bruce Lee
  • Street Sport Baseball
  • Battle Valley
  • Subterranea
  • Gateway to Ap Shai
  • Alley Cat
  • Iridis Alpha
  • Impossible Mission
  • Stormlord
  • Jumpman
  • Winter Games

Only a few of these are two-player titles. So, what’s going on? Why was this hotfix issued? Well, Blaze Entertainment aren’t saying. At the time of writing, there has still been no update on the website concerning the update, with information coming through social media only.

Some rumoured issues with the cartridge concern games not starting when launched for the second time. There is also said to be a problem with Winter Games in two player mode. There is also said to be a problem with The Movie Monster Game, concerning a missing map; however, this issue is likely to last a bit longer.

The team behind the Evercade should of course be commended for getting the fixes out, as the cartridge has only been available for a few weeks. However, if we knew what the hotfix was supposed to fix, we would be able to check if it worked/didn’t have any secondary impact…

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Editor in Chief at Gaming Retro UK | Website |  + posts

Christian Cawley is a writer and editor who covers consumer electronics, IT, and entertainment media. He has written for publications such as Computer Weekly, Linux Format,, and Tech Radar.

He also produces podcasts, has a cigar box guitar, and of course, loves retro gaming.

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