Aspyr’s 2020 HD upgrade of Star Wars Episode 1 Racer is heading to Games With Gold.
The Star Wars Episode One movie may have had its ups and downs, but there’s no denying how awesome the Pod Racing scene was. That scene translated rather nicely into a fun racing game called Star Wars Episode 1 Racer on the PC and N64.
Even though the game came out in 1999, it still holds up well today.
Fortunately for Xbox Gold members, you don’t have to dust off your retro consoles if you want to play this classic. Star Wars Episode 1 Racer is free to download through the month of May as part of the Xbox Gold Subscription. It’s worth mentioning that the version on Xbox is the 2020 HD re-release by Aspyr. There have been a few duff re-releases in recent years (looking at you, XIII), but fortunately, Star Wars Episode 1 Racer isn’t one of those.
As with all Xbox Gold Subscription offers, this is a time-limited offer and expires on 31st May 2023. As long as you add the game to your library before that date, it’s free to download whenever you like, as long as you’re still subscribed to the service.
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer had a sequel called Star Wars Racer Revenge, but thanks to the latter’s emphasis on combat, many see the original as the superior title.
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