I’ve just picked up the latest Amiga Addict magazine, and was astonished to find it had a whole feature on French publishers. I have a strange relationship with the French* (who doesn’t?) My uncle was a Francophile, which I found odd, but I’ve been strangely fascinated with Minitel since theRead More →

A new edition of Amiga Addict is out this week, boasting a huge feature on Scala. The video titling/slideshow authoring multimedia software package is still going 35 years later. It built its reputation thanks to the video capabilities of the Amiga, and is now a popular commercial display solution. TheRead More →

Amiga Addict 25 is a double landmark issue. Not only is it availabe in time for Christmas 2023, it also mark’s the publication’s quarter century of editions! That’s not bad going. Furthermore, this issue has a special “cover disk” courtesy of Amiga Bill. Subscribers will receive a 3/5-inch floppy diskRead More →