Pixel Addict pinball edition

The new edition of Pixel Addict is out now, with a cover feature dedicated to the history of pinball bideo games. Virtual tables, rather than physical ones, first appeared in the early 1980s, and gained popularity in the 16-bit era with titles like Pinball Dreams. Games like Night Mission andRead More →

The next issue of Pixel Addict celebrates the world’s most versatile CPU, Zilog’s Z80 which was recently discontinued. Used for around 50 years, the processor could be found in the ZX Spectrum, Nintendo Game Boy, and various other notable hardware. The magazine also features a look at the SEGA 32XRead More →

The Pixel Addict Christmas 2023 edition is now in shops, boasting “stories of computer Christmases past!” Published by the same people behind Amiga Addict (which also has a Christmas 2023 edition) and the recent Amstrad Addict special, Pixel Addict is a digital culture magazine that regularly looks at forgotten systems,Read More →