Sid Meier

I’ve been playing Sid Meier games for nearly 40 years. Basic recollections place my first exposure to his title as about 1990, when I first encountered Railroad Tycoon running on a friend’s Amiga 500. However, more in-depth research reveals that the first Sid Meier title I played was Solo Flight,Read More →

The world of indie retro gaming continues to surprise, as this demo of the forthcoming Amiga title Super Delivery Boy demonstrates. Sporting cute 16-bit graphics, this immersive platformer is set for a full release later this year but the demo (seen here) is available now as a download from More →

A new Amiga battle arena game, Turbo Tomato, is set to release soon on Amiga from Nivrig Games and Bitmap Soft. Featuring fast moving tomatoes (no, really), the game looks like some of the most frantic fun ever pumped through the Denise chip. TURBO TOMATO is a high-explosive arena battleRead More →