It’s fair to say Amiga Addict remains my favourite magazine, coming along every few weeks (I think it’s six weekly?) with an issue jam-packed with Amiga goodness. One of the most highly regarded and recognized development teams in the Amiga era was Sensible Software. The brains behind Sensible Soccer, MegaRead More →

I don’t know about you but I haven’t bought a Christmas themed Amiga magazine since the 1990s. In fact, I’m not even sure the Amiga maga that lasted into the current century were confident enough of reaching Christmas to plan for it in any meaningful way. So we’re very luckyRead More →

As an old school gamer, I have fond memories of buying at least one Amiga magazine every month. Since the launch of Amiga Addict magazine, those memories have been brought bang up to date. With relatable contributors, memorable covers, and even the odd free disk (downloadable, of course!) Amiga AddictRead More →