Well, this is unedifying. Successful new print magazine Amiga Addict has been sent a trademark opposition notification from AmigaKit Ltd. https://twitter.com/amigamagazine/status/1407452211722981386 This has come, it would seem, as something of a surprise. Responses in the thread from AmigaKit Ltd suggest that it is not a malicious action. However, field 5Read More →

Arduboy FX, the credit card sized Gameboy clone, is now available to preorder. The latest in the Arduboy series, the Arduboy FX has over 200 games preinstalled and is Arduino compatible (hence the name). Featuring an 8-bit ATmega 32u4 microcontroller, 32KB of flash storage, 2.5KB of RAM, and 1KB EEPROM,Read More →